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Before You Download Your Audiobook

You're only going to see this page once (ever), so please read every word (and watch the video) very very carefully. It's really that important...

Unlock the Ultimate Growth & Mindset System

To Truly THRIVE In

Competitive Environments

So You Can Close the Gap On Your Highest Goals...


Are You Tired Of...

Feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and/or stressed because of all of the constant distractions and "negative noise" around you?


Knowing you are holding back pursuing your goals all out because of a fear of failure or limiting beliefs?


Falling short of expectations when you know you are capable of SO MUCH MORE in the key areas of your life?

If so, I completely get it...

15 years ago, I was an NCAA Division I athlete at Indiana University in the sport of wrestling.  It was my ultimate dream to become a National Champion before I graduated. 


For five grueling years, I poured everything into my training in hopes of making this dream become a reality.


I gave it everything that I had...


As I walked off the mat my senior year for the final time, I had earned All-American honors, but had fallen short of my ultimate goal.


I remember getting in my car to go home with my parents and being so disappointed.  I felt like I had completely failed. 


I was devastated at the time...


The Truth Is...

I now know that this was the best I was ever going to do as a competitive athlete. Why? Because my mind wasn't right.


In my transition to college, I had started to adopt the wrong mindset.  I was focused on the wrong things and as a result I was...


  • Competing not to lose rather than for joy of competition 

  • ​Hesitating and holding back in bigger moments 

  • ​Beating myself up after loses or subpar performances

  • ​Dreading practices and competition

  • ​No longer enjoying a sport I once loved


In hindsight, after studying mindset and performance for 10 years, it all makes sense to me now.


I had unknowingly adopted the wrong habits that caused me to have a mindset that was stopping me from achieving my goals.


If I just knew then what I know now...

It's not all bad though because...

Here's the REALLY COOL thing...

It was these difficult situations that made me intrigued with mindset and creating habits to THRIVE in challenging environments.


For 10+ years, I have passionately studied the habits of the most effective people on the planet so I could break free in my own life.


I have now combined these habits to create a life altering growth and mindset system that has allowed me to THRIVE in my key roles as a coach, husband, parent and speaker (performer).


Even cooler, this system has allowed me to help athletes, coaches and performers like you establish powerful habits so you can free up completely and create powerful results you absolutely LOVE.


This has led me to a POWERFUL conclusion


You are capable of remarkable results in your career and life if you just train your brain to use it's full capacity!


Just imagine what your career and life would look like...

If you were no longer deterred by mental barriers and “negative noise.” Just imagine what you could accomplish if you broke free once and for all and simply brought the best you have to offer.  Just imagine if you had a powerful system that pulled out your highest potential...


You will be able to...


  • Create a world-class growth and mindset system that dramatically elevates confidence so you can close the gap on your goals.

  • Establish a daily growth ritual that trains your brain to focus so you can lock in on top priorities.

  • Cultivate habits that maximize positivity and productivity so you can be ENERGIZED, passionate and productive throughout your days.​

  • Stay centered, calm and stress-free consistently so you can enjoy your process and make meaningful moments each day.



"The Ultimate Growth & Mindset System To Help Athletes and Coaches Establish Game Changing Habits To THRIVE In Competition And Life"

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Here's What You'll Get With Thrive Essentials:


  • 10 guided lessons organized thoughtfully into seven modules, EVERYTHING YOU NEED to create a mindset to THRIVE in your athletic career and life…

  • ​Over 10 accompanying worksheets, checklists, and resources for built-in accountability, so that you can take consistent action…

  • ​VIP access to my habit formation system: The exact strategies and resources that allowed me to establish five of the most powerful habits on the planet in a 6 month period.

  • ​Over my shoulder mindset trainings: I don’t just tell you, I will show you exactly how to establish a world-class growth and mindset system.

  • ​Feedback, support and access to me via our private course community.

*Establish a daily ritual to be WAY MORE positive, passionate, and purposeful each day!


After Five Years,

I finally figured out how to...

Over the past 5 years, I’ve dedicated my life to helping athletes, coaches and high performers (CEO's, entrepreneurs, proactive professionals) establish a life altering growth and mindset system so they can truly THRIVE in their careers and key areas of their lives.  I’ve witnessed so many mistakes, tears, transformations and everything in between…I’ve seen it all!

I’ve worked tirelessly to refine my Thrive Essentials system so it will help you establish daily rituals that radically elevate your positivity, passion, productivity and potential.  It hasn't always been this way though.


 When I first started working with athletes and coaches, I initially struggled to help them breakthrough and THRIVE in their careers and lives.


The shifts we implemented would inject new ENERGY and excitement in their training, but eventually we ran into barriers that slowed momentum.

However ...

Rather than back off, I got to work making hundreds of improvements and also changed things up to “mistake proof” the system as much as possible so that you can establish a lasting world-class growth and mindset system to truly THRIVE in the key areas of your life. 


Today, I proudly present you my 6-step system that has been tried-and-tested to help athletes, coaches and competitors like you to stack a series of habits that will allow you to create powerful results and a life you truly love.


Every little detail has been tested and I’ve refined this system over the years 

for it to become what it is today.

Here's How My 6-Phase System Works

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  1. First, you learn my secrets for radically increasing your chances of success in a custom Pre-Training video series. These videos inside our Membership Area will teach you special shifts you can make to set the tone for remarkable success and make change a MUST.

  2. Next, you will learn the 6 essentials so you can cultivate a "championship" mindset to THRIVE in the key areas of your life.  These were custom designed to drive calm, clarity, ENERGY, focus, motivation and results.

  3. Finally, I will teach you a custom 66+ Habit Tracking Formula so you can extend your habits beyond the training and turn them into lifestyle. This formula will solidify your system so you can free your ENERGY to create other habits that drive your business to an EXTRAORDINARY level!


Are you excited? Because I definitely am! 

This experience is for you if...

  • You’re frustrated with your progress because you know you could create remarkable results if you just cut loose once and for all.

  • ​You’re willing to put in the work to get the results that you desire. There are no instant results and you need to show up and push daily to build your business.

  • ​You believe that mindset (breaking through fears, limiting beliefs, distractions) is one of the keys to building a successful, vibrant life.

  • ​You’re tired of jumping from solution to solution and still finding yourself falling short in building your business. I have good news! Thrive Essentials will be PERFECT for you. Unlike all these other alternatives you have tried, I can actually get you results, because I have created a simple system custom designed to help you establish a powerful mindset that drives remarkable results in your business and life.

  • ​You want to learn to truly enjoy your career and life.


"Your Secret System To Cultivate Remarkable Results in Your Career and Life"

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Inside this Master Course experience, you'll learn...


  • The true secret to establishing life-altering habits … this is the same strategy that will make meaningful change come with far more ease in your life (it’s the same process I used to completely eliminate sugar from my diet without a single “craving” in two years)…

  • ​A proven process for turning habits into lifestyle … this will help you stop battling yourself so you can cultivate a world-class system that drives clarity, confidence, ENERGY, motivation and results…

  • ​My transformational “Five to THRIVE” mindset and habit system that will help you flip the script on your biggest barriers + radically elevate your productivity and potential (these habits literally transformed my business, family, vitality and quality of life).

  • ​Why meditation is the key to calm, focus and crazy unique results in your life. Plus, I will provide you with guided meditations to help you make it a game changing ritual in your life.

  • ​The #1 tip to create an empowering environment that drives your vision on a consistent daily basis so you can create remarkable results in your business and life.

+ Learn to Flip the Script on:

  • Negative thoughts/emotions

  • Anxiety, stress and worry

  • Fear and self-doubt

  • The need to be perfect

  • Not enough mindset (scarcity)

  • Distractions (lack of focus)

Don't Wait...Make This The Moment You Step Up and Take Control Of Your Career and Life!!!


+ THREE Free

Bonuses Included

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In this “tell-all” bonus, I reveal the biggest insider secrets that have helped me to establish life altering habits quickly. These are secrets I’ve discovered over the past five years extensively studying habits and coaching clients to thrive in their businesses and lives.


Unlike many others, I don’t hold back anything from my customers. These are the exact techniques that I use with my top, VIP coaching clients. ($600 Value)

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I’ve spent weeks compiling a list of the most impactful books I have read in my journey to build an extraordinary business, family and life. With this bonus, you will get a list of my Top 10 most recommended books + descriptions so you can choose the ones that fit you best. 


I’ve done all the dirty work so that you don’t have to! You can cut right to the good stuff! ($197 Value)

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One of the most powerful learning tools that my students have enjoyed most in the past are podcast episodes.  For this bonus, I have taken the most powerful episodes and build them into the course.


This episodes will reinforce course concepts while also giving you additional tips and strategies to radically elevate your life.($300 Value)



Hey, I’m Coyte Cooper! Thrive Essentials is the culmination of thousands of hours of research, coaching and application over the past five years…

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  • Over 300 keynote talks across the United States and world...

  • ​Coached over 1000+ people on creating life altering habits and systems...

  • ​Author of three powerful books (Flip the Script, Make Your Mark, Impressions)...

  • ​Ph.D. in Marketing + 10 years of experience teaching at university level...

  • ​Former NCAA Division I All-American in Wrestling...

  • ​TEDx Talk with 10,000+ views on “Perspective Sparks Potential”

Some fun facts: I am the husband to an AMAZING woman (Brandy) and father to two INCREDIBLE kiddos (Carter and Mya). In our spare moment making time, we LOVE hiking and climbing mountains together! One of our favorite habits is called “Bring the Bliss,” where we pump up music and dance/jump on couches as a family. We are currently traveling around the United States in our 40-foot fifth wheel trailer.

Most importantly, I have worked the Essentials featured in this course for 2000+ days straight.  They are habits that have allowed me to flip the script on my biggest barriers and create a business, family and life I truly love.



Former Athlete, Entrepreneur and Coach


Coyte Cooper has a profound way of teaching people to "flip the script" to positive and priorities in life.  I have purpose, clarity and can envision my life by my design now because of this powerful training.  My entire life has changed because of these habits.

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NCAA Champ, Coach


I never realized how much more potential I had until I started working with Dr. Coyte Cooper. He helps you realize the path to your dreams is not easy, but with consistent daily effort, we can all earn the right to success.

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Head Soccer Coach at McMurry University


This course has given me a foundation where I am accountable to a system so I can lead a successful, fulfilling life. Thrive Essentials is the secret to help you discover the gifts inside of you and the steps to finally accomplish the life you really want.

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Former D-1 Athlete, CEO of Cheeky Scientist


Dr. Coyte Cooper is one of the most influential and relatable voices in personal development today. Coyte’s process can take a person from being an average performer to being the best in their class.

Your Purchase Comes With A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm 100% confident that Thrive Essentials will deliver you a transformational growth and mindset system that radically elevates your business and life.


That's why I have a NO HASSLE refund policy. This means that should you need a refund, I'll refund your money back immediately with NO QUESTIONS ASKED.


all you have to do is contact me at within the next 30 days and I will refund your money immediately. You don’t even need to explain yourself.


All the risk is on me. I don’t want to take your money if you are unsatisfied.


Answer: This depends! We are unable to guarantee results for legal reasons - we can’t predict exactly what you will do with Thrive Essentials. I can say this though – over the past few months we’ve had so many success stories in our cohorts. In general, it is not uncommon for most members to get dramatic results in only 6 weeks. Our best students follow our system closely and we’ve seen people get dramatic results in as little as 2 to 3 weeks.

Question: How much time do I need to do this?

Answer: A little progress each day leads to big results. If you can dedicate a few spare hours per week, you will do great! The cool thing is that most of the application can be spread out into 15-20 minute increments that become long-term lifestyle habits you will embrace and absolutely LOVE!


6 weeks from now, your life could be so different if you just get started today, right? You don’t want to be stuck in a situation years from now where you are still hesitating and held up by barriers from building your career, relationships and life.


With that being said, Thrive Essentials will actually save you time in the long-run because you will no longer be wasting hours each day spinning your wheels trying to get the outcomes you desire.

Question: How hard is it to implement the habits?

Answer: I know how hard meaningful change can be in our cluttered society. This is why I have broken down the system to make it super simple to follow.


I have done this by telling you the exact habits you need to work and giving you a structure to radically maximize your chances of success. All you have to do is follow the instructions to start creating profound change in your mind, results and life.

Question: If the concepts are so transformational, then why is the system so affordable?

Answer: Honestly, the reason I have priced it this way is because I want the chance to work with and impact as many proactive professionals as I possibly can!


If I do my job and this is a transformational experience, you will want to come back for other EPIC trainings that I offer and you are far more likely to recommend it to others.

My vision is to create a tribe all over the world of proactive people who are creating habits and systems to THRIVE and make the world a MUCH COOLER place! 

I see this as my calling! 

Question: Can you summarize everything I'll be getting today?

Answer: You will get a seven week training experience designed to help you establish a powerful growth and mindset system to dramatically elevate your business and life. This will include 10 custom video lessons organized thoughtfully into 7 modules, you that you can establish habits that will radically increase your calm, clarity, ENERGY, focus, motivation and results. You will get a simple, life altering system that will help you finally become the leader and person you are meant to be!

Common Customer Questions

Question: How fast until I get results?​

Here's a Rep Of...


When You Purchase This EPIC Offer!

  • EPIC Offer Piece #1: Thrive "Essentials" Six Modules ($1200+ Value)

  • ​EPIC Offer Piece #2: Electronic 66+ Habit Tracker System ($500 Value)

  • ​EPIC Offer Piece #3: Flip the Script E-Growth System ($500 Value)

  • ​EPIC Bonus Piece #1: Mindset of Powerful Habit Formation ($600 Value)

  • ​EPIC Bonus Piece #2: Facebook Mastermind Group ($300 Value)

  • ​EPIC Bonus Piece #3: Top 10 Recommended Growth Books ($197 Value)

Total Value: $3,000+

But today, you're getting all of this...

For Only $697 $497


*$500 off! Discount ends in 24 hours!*

**I've literally NEVER made this offer before!  This is a life altering course at a fraction of the cost so move to take advantage of it!**



We respect your privacy

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Creating a mindset that allows you to THRIVE in your career, relationships and life may seem hard, but it is totally possible and worth it.  Your quality of life will become much better once you have a world-class growth and mindset in place that drives your daily efforts.


If the hundreds of professionals around the United States and world can THRIVE in their careers, families and lives, then WHY NOT YOU?  You can totally do this, and by purchasing Thrive Essentials, you will gain access to the resources and guidance that you need to cultivate game changing growth and mindset habits that will blow the lid off of your potential.


I sit here urging you to step up, take action and say "WHY NOT ME?"  I CAN create habits to THRIVE in my business and life!  Because you can do this!  I've helped hundreds of customers before you make it happen, so you can too!  You deserve this!  Let's get started right now on your journey to create a business and life you truly love!


Here's to THRIVING in the key areas of your life,



We don’t believe in instant results programs. Instead, we believe that the biggest breakthroughs come from a willingness to show up and work habits daily over extended periods of time. This program is designed to help you  establish powerful habits so you can thrive in your life. As stipulated by law, we can not, will not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get specific results with our ideas, materials or strategies. We don't know you specifically or the situation you are in right now. You alone are responsible for the results you experience in life. Our sole purpose of this course is to provide you with the best materials we possibly can to help you close the gap on the results you desire. All products by are company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page (or in any of our curriculum materials) is a promise or guarantee of future results. By your registration here, you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. We wish you the absolute best as you strive to create powerful habits in your life so you can thrive moving forward.

One More Thing...

You can do this!

Join Me in Thrive Essentials Now!

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